Our Start

We began with the idea to help the homeless and needy people in our area.  We started volunteering at other agencies that helped homeless and those struggling financially, and they reassured us that there was a big need on the Treasure Coast!  We began by making extra meals and passing them out once or twice a week, and dropping off groceries to those in need.  We also pray with them, and share with them how much they are loved.  We hope they see the love of Christ flowing through us. 


Others have joined our mission, and  believe in what we are doing in our community.  We have started this ministry in hopes to make a positive impact in the lives of those in our area.  Some have donated food, finances, and items, and/or deliver meals and groceries. Hand-in-hand we can make a difference by being a blessing in someone's life!


Our Mission

As followers of Jesus Christ we commit to feeding all those in need of nourishment for their mind, body, and spirit.  We strive to give them a hand up in life by educating and empowering them to have confidence in themselves and to know HE has a plan for them, plans to prosper them and not to harm them, plans to give them hope and a future.

How We Help

- Hand out meals to the homeless

- Deliver groceries and needed items to those in need

- Get them needed supplies

- Connect them to resources

- Provide care packages