Interested in Volunteering?

Register to be a volunteer by emailing us at 


Please keep this ministry in your prayers.  Pray for the people we come into contact with that their spiritual needs are also met and not just their physical needs.  Pray for the direction God is taking it, and that He will receive the glory for what He is able to do through us. Last, pray that others will be apart of this great cause.  Hand-in-Hand we can make a difference in others' lives!


We accept the following donations to help those in need:


Non-perishable food items (canned goods, cereal, canned meat, boxed items, shelf/box milk, etc.)

Socks & New Underwear for men and women

Adult-sized jackets/sweatshirts during cooler weather

Care package items: toiletries (deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, wet wipes, combs, feminine products, etc.), gift cards to fast food restaurants, 

Diapers and pull ups

Camping necessities (tents, tarps, sleeping bags, flashlights, solar chargers, backpacks)

Bicycles in good condition, bike flashlights, & helmets



Bicycles, lights, and helmets

An office space or small space for additional storage of supplies

A car or van to pick up and drop off meals

A truck and trailer or box truck to pick up and deliver needed items

A facility that can offer job training and housing